6 Reasons Why Drivers Fail a DOT Physical

6 Reasons Why Drivers Fail a DOT Physical

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6 Reasons Why Drivers Fail A DOT Physical 1

For commercial drivers, passing a Department of Transportation (DOT) physical examination is a crucial step in maintaining their commercial driver’s license (CDL) and ensuring the safety of both themselves and other road users. Unfortunately, many drivers fail these exams due to various reasons, leading to disqualification from operating commercial vehicles. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common reasons why drivers fail a DOT physical and offer guidance on how to avoid these pitfalls.

  1. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a leading cause of DOT physical failures. Commercial drivers are required to maintain their blood pressure at or below specific thresholds, typically around 140/90 mm Hg. If your blood pressure exceeds these limits during the examination, you may not pass.

Prevention and Solution:

  • Prior to your DOT physical, monitor your blood pressure regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, staying active, and managing stress.
  • If you have hypertension, consult with your healthcare provider and work together on a treatment plan to control your blood pressure within DOT regulations.
  1. Vision Problems

Visual impairments can also lead to DOT physical failures. Commercial drivers are required to have adequate vision, including distant and peripheral vision, color recognition, and depth perception, to ensure they can safely operate a vehicle. The minimum requirement is a 20/40 visual acuity with or without corrective lenses.

Prevention and Solution:

  • Visit an eye care specialist regularly to monitor your eye health.
  • If you have vision problems, consider corrective lenses or eyeglasses, and always wear them when driving.
  1. Medications

Certain medications can disqualify drivers from passing their DOT physical if they have adverse side effects that affect driving performance or if they are on a medication that is prohibited by DOT regulations. Medications like benzodiazepines cannot be taken by commercial drivers.

Prevention and Solution:

  • Consult your healthcare provider about medications you are taking and their potential effects on your ability to drive safely.
  • Discuss alternative medications or treatment plans with your provider if necessary.
  1. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common cause of disqualification. It is a sleep disorder that affects breathing and can lead to drowsiness and fatigue while driving.

Prevention and Solution:

  • If you suspect you have sleep apnea, seek a diagnosis and treatment from a healthcare professional.
  • Comply with recommended treatment, which may include using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device while sleeping.
  1. Substance Abuse

Drug and alcohol use can be disqualifying factors. Positive results on drug tests or a history of substance abuse can lead to a failed DOT physical. Even in states where marijuana is now legal, you cannot use while having a CDL, even if this is during non driving hours.

Prevention and Solution:

  • Avoid the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription medications.
  • Seek help for substance abuse problems through counseling or rehabilitation programs.
  1. Uncontrolled Diabetes

Diabetes can be disqualifying if it is uncontrolled. Drivers with diabetes must manage their condition effectively to pass the physical examination.

Prevention and Solution:

  • Maintain proper blood sugar control by monitoring your glucose levels regularly and following a treatment plan prescribed by your healthcare provider.


Passing a DOT physical is essential for commercial drivers to maintain their CDL and continue their careers. By understanding these common reasons for failure and taking proactive steps to address them, you can increase your chances of passing the examination and ensuring the safety of yourself and others on the road. Regular communication with healthcare providers and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle are key to successfully navigating the DOT physical process.

Yours in health,

Dr. Glenn Ezell, Certified Medical Examiner

About the author:

As a young man, Dr. Ezell took great interest in discovering the human body’s natural ability to heal itself. His fascination led him to further his studies at Southern Illinois University of Ewardsville and Logan College of Chiropractic. His studies and clinical training have led him to create positive changes in the lives of many people. Dr. Ezell enjoys an active lifestyle consisting weight lifting, running, kayaking, and many other outdoor activities. He gets adjusted at least 2 times a week to maintain an optimal state of wellness. He is very active in the St. Charles community and is available for health talks, screenings and presentations at no charge.

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