• 5 Things to Stop Eating and Drinking Right Now
    No Comments on 5 Things to Stop Eating and Drinking Right Now

    1. Soda/ Soft Drinks

    -One 12 ounce can of Coke has 39 grams of sugar
    -One 20 ounce bottle of Mt. Dew has 77 grams of sugar
    -Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which leads to many chronic illnesses
    -Many sodas also contain high fructose corn syrup, a cheap, highly processed sweetener

    2. White Bread

    -Has minimal nutritional value
    -Loaded with sugar
    -The flour is typically bleached with benzoyl peroxide or chlorine gas

    3. Farm Raised Fish

    -They are fed a highly unnatural diet
    -Given loads of antibiotics
    -Contain about 50% less omega 3s than wild caught

    4. Margarine

    -Made mostly of refined vegetable oil and water
    -This is NOT butter!

    5. Conventional Frozen Meals

    -Loaded with preservatives, processed salt, hydrogenated oils, and other artificial ingredients
    -Most have been “pre cooked”, rendering the nutritional content to minimal levels

    Stay healthy,

    Dr. Ezell

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  • Top Ten Reasons I Hear About Why People Don’t Go To the Chiropractor
    No Comments on Top Ten Reasons I Hear About Why People Don’t Go To the Chiropractor
    1. I don’t have enough money (Budgeting is key-after all, if your lose your health, how will you make money?)
    2. I don’t believe in it (It’s a science, not a religion)
    3. I’m not in pain (You don’t have to be in pain for there to be a problem- PREVENTION)
    4. I don’t want to go forever (Ultimately it is YOU that makes your healthcare decisions- right?)
    5. You can break my neck (It’s VERY hard to break a neck- this isn’t your typical Hollywood neck twist)
    6. It will hurt (95% of the time my patients feel BETTER even after their first adjustment)
    7. I’m afraid of the “crack” (It’s normal for this to happen when the joints are freed of restriction- chiropractors can also treat without having the traditional “crack”)
    8. Chiropractors aren’t real doctors (Dentists focus on the mouth, optometrists focus on the eyes, MDs focus on pathology-disease, pharmacists focus on medication,  chiropractors focus on the spine and the nervous system. Every doctor has a specialty. I’m alive and real)
    9. Adjustments cause arthritis (Adjustments actually prevent arthritis from developing or getting worse)
    10. Too young/old (I’ll explain the ends of the spectrum. Think about the birthing process, can you imagine being pulled out by your head? It will most definitely cause stress to the neck. The geriatric population generally have a variety of different problems that would benefit from chiropractic care. It is also much safer than surgery and has less side effects than medicine)
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